AI –

Step aside, traditional meme coins, $AI is barking up the innovation tree: Sporting more chains than the blockchain itself and oozing more charm than a basket of puppies. It's where smarts meet wags – Any Inu, the dog that's leading the crypto pack – and beyond!


Why Any Inu? – Unleash the Distinctive Bark in the Crypto Park

Dive into the quirky and innovative world of Any Inu, where cutting-edge technology meets a community with a sense of humor.


Multichain Mayhem

Meet the "Multichain Mutt", strutting across 17 EVM chains and Solana like it owns the place. With Axelar's Interchain service as its leash, $AI hops from chain to chain with the ease of a frisky pup at a dog park. This wide-ranging presence makes $AI the ultimate party animal in the blockchain world.


Fair Play, No Dog Tricks

Forget the old "fetch the stick" game. $AI plays fair, with no tax, no presales, and absolutely no whitelist shenanigans. Think of it as the good boy of the crypto world – no hidden treats, just a fixed supply of 420,690,000,000 tokens, all wagging their tails equally. Contracts renounced? Check. Initial LP burnt to a crisp? Check. This is $AI's pledge for a tail-waggingly transparent community.


Paws and Reflect: Community at Heart

$AI isn't just a token; it's a community where dog lovers and tech geeks unite in a howl of joy. With the Diamond Hands app, hodlers are more than just number-crunchers; they're part of a pack. Think of it as a loyalty program, but with more woofs and less snooze. Add to that the promise of Composable Interchain NFTs, and you've got a token that's not just a financial fling but a lifelong furry friend.

Any Inu's Howl-tastic Roadmap - The Pawprint into the Future

Dive into the fun-filled journey of Any Inu. Here's our roadmap, showcasing how we're evolving into the alpha dog of the crypto world.

  • Explorer/Dex Information : Sniffing out the best insights.
  • Stats Dashboard : Shiny as a freshly groomed pup.
  • Gecko/CMC listings : Jumping higher than a dog after its favorite frisbee.
  • Socials Verification : Barking loud and proud across all platforms.
  • Community Incentivized Campaigns : Treats for every tail-wagger in our pack.
  • Diamond Hands DApp : For those who stick with us longer than a dog with its favorite bone.
  • 1st CEX Listing : Catching our first big break like a pro fetch champion.
  • Wrapped on BTC : Cuddling up with Bitcoin for those cozy crypto nights.
  • Support on Cosmos EVM : Expanding our territory to the stars and beyond.
  • Composable Interchain NFTs : Flexing our tricks in the NFT playground.
  • 2nd CEX Listing : Another leap for Any Inu, another giant fetch for crypto-kind.
  • Any Inu Artificial Intelligence : Redefining the term 'smart dog'.
  • Support on any EVM : Playing fetch across every blockchain park.
  • Gaming with $AI : Unleashing the playful pup in all of us.
  • Further CEX Listings : Chasing more listings like a dog after endless sticks.
  • Interchain Utilities (Bot-based) : Sniffing around every corner of the blockchain universe.
  • Support on non-EVM chains : Venturing into new realms without leaving our comfy kennel.
  • Community Governance : Every dog owner gets a say - Woof!
  • 1,000,000+ Holders : A pack that any dog would envy.
  • Interchain DApps : Building the ultimate dog park in the crypto space.

Galactic Gateway to Crypto Glory - Any Inu's Interstellar Express!

Embark on an odyssey through the cryptoverse with Any Inu's Interstellar Express. Why settle for one blockchain when you can romp through a cosmic playground of 15+ chains? Explore like never before, purchase with a tap, and track your journey across the infinite possibilities.

Ethereum 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Solana ACeWC77UeW2DBZMe7YBsuXoxLvk4dHMnPzneApau1Au6
BinanceChain 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Polygon 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Avalanche 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Arbitrum 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Base 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Fantom 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Optimism 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Mantle 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Moonbeam 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Filecoin 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Celo 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Kava 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Scroll 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Linea 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875
Blast 0x764933fbAd8f5D04Ccd088602096655c2ED9879F
Fraxtal 0x2598c30330D5771AE9F983979209486aE26dE875

Diamond Hands App: The Ultimate Loyalty Program for the Crypto Canine Enthusiast!

Lock your $AI and let the Diamond Hands app be the trusty leash that keeps your tokens safe and sound. It's like a digital doghouse for your tokens, but with a lot more treats!

Lock & Rock

Secure your $AI tokens like a bulldog with a bone. Choose from a week to a two-year term and watch your commitment grow!

Soulbound Swag

Get soulbound receipt tokens that are the envy of the kennel. It's like a badge of honor for your digital wallet!

Leaderboard Legends

Climb the global multichain leaderboard where everyone can see who's the top dog in the long-term hodl game.

Multiplier Magic

The longer you lock, the larger your multiplier – from a single tail wag (1x) to a full howl at the moon (5x)!

Renounced & Released

The app is the ultimate free spirit – no meddling developers here, just you and your tokens, free as a leashless pup.

Every Chain's a Home

Available on all EVM chains with liquidity, because why should any dog be limited to one backyard?

Airdrops for the Alpha

Secure a spot for exclusive airdrops, governance votes, and community events. It’s like the VIP section at the dog park.

Community Collars

The more you lock, the higher your rank in the Any Inu pack. It's like collecting collars, but way cooler.


Any Inu's Social Petwork - Your Go-To Digital Dog Park!

Looking to fetch the latest bark? Follow the scent to our social media doghouses! With just a click, you can leap into the Any Inu community's digital kennel: Stay pupdated with our X ( Twitter ) or roll over to our Telegram channel for some belly rubs of banter.


AI Prompting

Content creation is driven by AI tooling


Holder Chats

Discord has groups by chain, holdings amount, and interest



Users are able to earn from closing multichain price differences



Community led raids in the tg, Galxe campaigns, and community competitions

Fetching Answers to Bark-Worthy Questions - The Any Inu FAQ Pack!

01 What is Any Inu?

Any Inu is the most multichain dog on 17+ chains and 13+ DEXs. An Inclusive token for dog lovers that welcomes ANYone from ANY chain. Artificial Intelligence is at the heart of the Any Inu community. $AI is love '爱'

02 How was Any Inu launched? What are Any Inu’s tokenomics?

There is a 420,690,000,000 fixed supply of tokens initially split across 15 chains. 414,690,000,000 tokens were initially added to liquidity on 9 chains at the same time. 6,000,000 was reserved for CEX liquidity and onchain LP incentives. There is no tax. There were no presales or whitelists. AnyToshi and all community members running socials and building for Any Inu bought tokens from the LP on their own accord. All initial LP is burnt or locked for a hundred years.

03 Who are the devs? What makes it a community coin and how can I get involved?

AnyToshi setup the token, communities, and initial LPs. We encourage you the read their first memo to the community here. Reach out on twitter, tg, discord, at, or in-person at the dog park.

04 How does Any Inu Work?

Axelar's Interchain token service powers the seamless bridging of $AI. The total token supply always remains fixed as chains are added and tokens are bridged. Additional chains are supported using permissionless bridge providers. These other bridges can be setup by ANYone by wrapping $AI on an Axelar ITS supported chain.

05 Why do some tools incorrectly give warnings about Bridgeable tokens?

There is no token owner. The token is only mintable by the Axelar ITS bridge. The ITS bridge burns tokens on the source chain and mints an equal amount on the destination chain when a bridging transaction happens. Wormhole works similarly, but instead of burning, wraps tokens on the source chain.

06 Where can I contribute to community outreach efforts?

Your time and skills are always appreciated. If you think you could contribute to $AI, then reach out to any of the mods or contact social owners directly. The community has set up a 6 person multisig on BSC to safely pool funds for things like content creation, giveaways, web hosting, and outreach associated expenses. The address is bnb:0x64788B63fdD109225a38D4199C399640b7d8C491